Everyday Steps You Can Take for a Happier Life by Jason Warren

Jason Warren is a business coach and entrepreneur.

His website Business Beginings – Business Has Never Been Better outlines the untraditional, the alternative, the up-and-coming ways to do business. It focuses on business tools that work smarter, shortcuts that get you where you need to go faster, and hacks that allow you to work the way you want while you watch your business soar. It provides guidance on how to prioritize the pursuit of work-life balance, break business stereotypes, and fearlessly do things differently to create your very own, “Business Beginings.”

Nurturing your mental health is essential if you are going to live a fulfilled life where you feel

your best every day. When people hear about mental health, they often assume that means

going to therapy. While professional mental health support can be useful, there are small

actions you can take every day to nurture emotional well-being. Read on for some ideas,

courtesy of The Mindful Playground.

Find an exercise you love to do

It’s no secret that exercise boosts endorphins. Unfortunately, many people are not eager to

hop on the treadmill—understandably! The key to regular exercise is finding something that

you actually enjoy doing. Look for out-of-the-box, exciting options like dance classes or roller

skating. Another great way to make it more fun is to go with a friend.

Prioritise sufficient sleep

Sleep is another major factor in mental health. Without enough rest, you increase your risk

for issues like anxiety and depression. If you are not getting at least seven hours per night,

commit to making a change. There are some best practices you can try to improve sleep

quality, like cutting down on screen time before bed and using a white noise machine.

Spend more time outdoors

Research has shown that spending time outside can help reduce stress and improve mental

health. You might pick up a hobby like hiking, for example. Gardening is another option and

can even give you some light exercise, as it requires bending, lifting, and other physical

movements. Before you invest in gardening supplies, do your research.

Get a pet

If the thought of going outside alone makes you nervous, consider getting a dog to join you.

You can go for a walk or visit the park together. Studies have shown that pet-ownership

has great benefits for mental health. If a dog is not for you, consider a more low-maintenance

furry friend, like a cat. Whatever animal you choose, make sure you have the physical space

and resources to care for it.

Take the time to help others

Sometimes looking outside of yourself can improve your mental health. Volunteering in your

community is a great way to get started. To take it to the next level, start your own nonprofit.

You can apply for grants and public funding once you have officially registered your nonprofit.

Build your tribe

Simply meeting a friend for a cup of coffee, walk, or drink can be enough to boost your

mood. In the long term, a strong social network can even reduce your risk of serious

ailments like dementia. Make sure you are nurturing your friendships, whatever your age may

be. To save time, you can do healthy activities, like gardening, sea swimming or a walk with a friend.

Eat a brain-healthy diet

The food you eat can impact your mood. Experts recommend staying away from processed

foods, which tend to have extra sugars and fats, and can drag you down. Instead, opt for

fresh foods, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins.

Talk to an expert

Sometimes, no matter what you do, you can not seem to feel good about yourself. If the above

steps are not working for you, it may be time to talk to a professional. They offer the guidance

and support you need to find a path to improved mental health, perhaps by working from

home or improving your diet and exercise. If an in-person visit is out of the question, you can seek

out online counselling.

Good mental health is not always a given. Sometimes, you will have to work at it. Small steps

like picking up an outdoor hobby like gardening are a good starting point. The above list has

some more tips worth trying. By Jason Warren

The Mindful Playground is here to help you live more mindfully. Let me know if you have any questions!


Pearls of Wisdom


Project One